Growing Dahlias: From Easy to Competition with Lucy Propst (Southeastern Mich. Dahlia Society

Growing Dahlias: From Easy to Competition with Lucy Propst (Southeastern Mich. Dahlia Society

Dahlias want to grow. In this class, Lucy will walk you through some basics for dahlia success and give tips on how to grow flowers that will amaze your neighbors and, hopefully turn you into a dahlia enthusiast. You, yourself, may grow from a dahlia enthusiast into a dahlia competitor who shows your flowers in competitive events.

Lucy Propst has been growing dahlias since 2003. In 2019 Lucy and her husband, Russell, won the honor of “Best Small Grower” at the American Dahlia Society National Show. In 2024, they won the “Small Grower” competition at the Midwest Dahlia Conference show. Lucy is the President of the Southeastern Michigan Dahlia Society and has been a member since 2004. In addition, Lucy is a past president of the Master Gardener Society of Oakland County and has been an Advanced Master Gardener since 2011.

This event is free. Please register in advance by clicking on this link.

Questions: Contact or call 248-743-7091

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Plan Your Best Veggie Garden: Grow More with Ease

Plan Your Best Veggie Garden: Grow More with Ease

This class is designed for gardeners who want to take their existing garden to the next level. Learn how to maximize your space, plant seasonally, and grow more with less effort. Whether you’re looking to optimize your layout, boost productivity, or tackle those garden challenges with confi dence, this class will help you grow your dream veggie garden—easier, smarter, and more bountiful than ever. Through lifestyle kitchen garden coaching and raised bed installations, Rachael is committed to closing the educational gap that exists between the overwhelming vegetable gardening world and those with busy lives that just want to simply start growing beautiful and productive kitchen gardens at their homes. Rachael holds degrees in Environmental Science and Biology, and has over a decade of experience in natural vegetable gardening and managing private home vegetable gardens in the area. In addition to leading local kitchen gardening workshops and classes, she works 1:1 with Metro-Detroiters to help them grow their own homegrown vegetables despite time, space, or expertise.

This event is free. Seating is limited. Please register in advance at

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My Prairie Restoration Journey

My Prairie Restoration Journey

Join us for an inspirational evening of story and pictures with John Blair. John shared his butterfly garden program with us in Spring, 2024. With this event, he shares (some would say) the miraculous story of the restoration of his land to native prairie on his property in Brooklyn, MI. The story includes the restoration of wooded savanna and natural ponds that were buried many years ago. The transformation from hay field to lush native prairie established habitat much like that which existed 200 years ago. Seating is limited. Please register in advance by emailing or double click to register. Include name of registrant plus # of guests joining you.

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Semiannual Perennial Plant Exchange - Spring 2024

Semiannual Perennial Plant Exchange - Spring 2024

Perhaps you have decided certain perennials need to move elsewhere or you have divided them and need to find homes for some of them. Perhaps you would like to trade them for other perennials. This is your chance! It’s an indoor event, so come rain or shine. There will be Garden Club members on site to assist you.

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ROGC Informational Table at Royal Oak in Bloom

ROGC Informational Table at Royal Oak in Bloom

While you are shopping at Royal Oak in Bloom, pause at the Royal Oak Garden Club’s informational table for friendly introductions and chats with members of the group. There will be information about the club, membership and lively gardening conversations pertinent to our amazing community!

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8 Months of Color - Perennial Gardening

8 Months of Color - Perennial Gardening

Speaker: Janet Macunovich, an Advanced Master Gardener who has
designed, planted and maintained perennial gardens and landscapes for 35 years.

A calendar that shows week by week peak bloom of perennials, shrubs, vines and trees may seem to be all a designer needs to assemble a winning group of plants. Yet even the finest assembly can be refined to jewel quality through smart plant placement, planting and care. Use practical tips from this presentation and you'll learn to let each month's signature flower cue you to do what's best for that time toward maximum color. You'll garden at peak performance all year, from evaluating the size of beds and plant groups in March to routinely taking some plants "off exhibit" each October.

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Work Day at RO Community Garden

Work Day at RO Community Garden

JOIN US AS WE BEGIN OUR SPRING CLEAN-UP OF THE PERIMETER POLLINATOR GARDEN located at the RO COMMUNITY GARDEN next to Churchill Community Education Center, 707 Girard in RO.

OUR MAIN TASK WILL BE TO LAY CARDBOARD OVER THE GRASS WITHIN THE GARDEN. This will be to remove the grass and replace it with wood chips. WE HOPE TO DO SOME WEEDING TOO!



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How to Build a Butterfly Garden - Presented by John Blair

How to Build a Butterfly Garden - Presented by John Blair

Learn how to create the perfect butterfly garden from the right location to all that is needed to sustain a thriving environment for butterflies and others! Presenter John Blair is an experienced and inspirational owner, educator and speaker sharing his life as an owner and caretaker of butterfly habitats and meadows.

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Ecology, Native Plants and the Role of Humanity - Presenter, Brendan Nolan

Ecology, Native Plants and the Role of Humanity - Presenter, Brendan Nolan

Come hear Brendan Nolan, a lifelong environmentalist and owner of Plants for Ecology, discuss how native plants represent the first step in the restoration of the natural world.  His presentation will show how our actions can lead to positive environmental outcomes that support the many creatures with whom we share our world.

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  • Leo Mahany / Harold Meininger Senior Community Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Garden Club’s First Annual Silent Auction Fundraiser.

Join the Royal Oak Garden Club in our first annual silent auction. Club members will be auctioning off crafts, creations, and baked goods to fund club projects and programs for the coming year. There will be refreshments (bring your own mug) and lots of opportunities to enjoy the company of your fellow gardeners.

(Bring cash or checks!!)

For info or to offer a donation, call or text Elaine at 248-376-1101


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Learn about Invasive Species in your garden from Oakland County CISMA

Learn about Invasive Species in your garden from Oakland County CISMA

The Royal Oak Garden Club invites you to this opportunity to learn about the invasive species near you. Presented by the Oakland County Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) who work to manage the invasive species that that are not native to Michigan, and whose introduction causes harm, or is likely to cause harm to Michigan’s economy, environment, wildlife, or human health.

In Oakland County, invasive species can reduce property values, damage infrastructure, create public safety hazards, and degrade natural areas.

RSVP's are suggested as space is limited: to

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Here is a way to add to your collection of perennials, the Fall Perennial Plant Exchange!

Just bring your plants to the Mahany/Meininger Senior Community Center at 3500 Marais, just north of 13 Mile Rd., between Crooks and Main, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.

They should be LABELED and in pots or plastic baggies (no trees or woody shrubs, please).

Tables will be provided The plant exchange will be held inside, so come rain or shine!

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General Membership Meeting

General Membership Meeting

6:30 pm - Meet and Greet

  • Sweets and drinks: BRING YOUR OWN MUG (we're trying to go plastic-free)

7 pm - Presentation

  • Special Guest: Michigan Garden Club District Director Anne Ryan will present thank you gifts to outgoing president Judy McFarlane, preside over installation of new officers, and share what the Michigan Garden Club is all about.

If you have any questions please contact

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Perimeter Pollinator Garden Clean-Up

Perimeter Pollinator Garden Clean-Up

If you can spare some time we will be weeding the PPG (Perimeter Pollinator Garden) and herb garden at the Community Garden, which are on the NorthWest corner of the Churchill Ed Center, Alexander and Devillen, RO, 48073.  It's on Google maps thanks to Keya Wang! Search for Royal Oak Community Gardens.

There is a lot of encroachment of creeping charlie, some binding weed, as well as miscellaneous other weeds. We would like to get the plastic border installed and put down mulch after we weed. If you have any leftover mulch and can bring it, we could use more to suppress future weeds.

Please bring Dandelion Digger tools (mark with your name), the ones that are slender with a forked end to get deep roots without digging up everything else.  Please bring gloves if you can, we will be moving the bricks to create an edging. Bring a straight bottom edge spade for cutting the edge and the grass roots.. 

Rain date is Saturday, September 30th. If you have any questions please contact,

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Belle Isle

Belle Isle

Join us at Belle Isle to enjoy all the island has to offer! We will carpool from the Salter Boys & Girls Club. There are no restaurants, so please bring a snack for yourself or enjoy any of the food trucks. For more information about the island, please refer to their FAQ.

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Garden Walk

Garden Walk

Join us at the M&M Senior Community Center at 9:00 am to carpool between members’ gardens and enjoy a catered lunch! Please look for an email to RSVP for the event. Hope to see you all there!

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New Annuals and Perennials for 2023

New Annuals and Perennials for 2023

In this lecture, Telly’s Greenhouse owner, George Papadelis, will show us many of the new Annuals and Perennials for 2023. Highlights will include images from trial gardens all over the country. George will also be bringing some plants for participants to see up close. These plants and so many will be available at Telly's Greenhouse in Troy and Shelby Township this spring.

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Meet up

Meet up

An informal and informational gathering about the Royal Oak Garden Club and what is happening in your community. Come and share your ideas, interests and concerns. Rather than a sit down lecture, mingle and ask questions with a variety of experienced gardeners and environmental enthusiasts. Doors open at 6:30pm and continues until 8:00pm. Amanda Herzog, Chairperson of the Royal Oak Environmental Advisory Commission, Bob Mueller of the Nature Society will be there along with Master Gardeners, a landscape consultant, and a representatives for the community garden.
Come and meet us, we would like to get to know you. RSVP at:

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