If you can spare some time we will be weeding the PPG (Perimeter Pollinator Garden) and herb garden at the Community Garden, which are on the NorthWest corner of the Churchill Ed Center, Alexander and Devillen, RO, 48073. It's on Google maps thanks to Keya Wang! Search for Royal Oak Community Gardens.
There is a lot of encroachment of creeping charlie, some binding weed, as well as miscellaneous other weeds. We would like to get the plastic border installed and put down mulch after we weed. If you have any leftover mulch and can bring it, we could use more to suppress future weeds.
Please bring Dandelion Digger tools (mark with your name), the ones that are slender with a forked end to get deep roots without digging up everything else. Please bring gloves if you can, we will be moving the bricks to create an edging. Bring a straight bottom edge spade for cutting the edge and the grass roots..
Rain date is Saturday, September 30th. If you have any questions please contact royaloakgardenclub@gmail.com,